Quick Tips to Make Your Home Neat and Tidy Between Deep Cleanings

Quick Tips to Make Your Home Neat and Tidy Between Deep Cleanings

There’s no shame in admitting that keeping your home neat and tidy isn’t always a priority. Between work, kids, and life in general, it’s easy to turn a blind eye to dust bunnies and cobwebs. But, a chaotic home is bad for your physical and mental health, and it is up to you to keep it clean. Never fear, however, because it isn’t hard. Looking for tips? You have found them here.

Start with a clean slate.

If you’re just moving into your home, great. Now is the perfect time to start with a clean home. Seatown Cleaners can tackle each room, including inside the drawers and closets, under the rim of the bathtub, and even the kitchen range hood. This means you are not moving in on top of someone else’s mess.

Address clutter now.

As you begin to move your own belongings into your new home (or even if you have been at your current address for many years), clean, organized, and clutter-free should be your mantra. Redfin explains that this will help keep your home a more positive and healthy atmosphere. A great way to begin your decluttering efforts is to let go of everyday items that you haven’t used in the last six to eight months or seasonal pieces that you haven’t used in more than two years.

A chore chart.

Unless you live alone, you should not be wholly responsible for keeping your space clean and clear. Give everyone in your family a job, and make sure that you know what each is capable of. Teenagers, for example, can do pretty much everything you can, including run errands, feed the dog, clean out the fridge, and fix dinner.


At work, you likely have a streamlined order where you keep things you use frequently together. Do the same at home. You might, for instance, keep your cleaning supplies in a hall closet closest to where they are used most often. You could also invest in a vacuum/mop for both the up and down stairs of your home, especially if you have pets, and you have to vacuum every day.

Give the kids a laundry caddy.

The vast majority of us hate doing laundry, and the kids are no exception. But, they have to learn this handy life skill at some point, and there’s no reason to wait. Let each of the kids pick out their own laundry detergent and give them a laundry hamper or basket of their own. Have reluctant teenagers? Pottery Barn and many other home furnishing stores offer unique solutions for getting your messy teenager to be more organized.

Put things away immediately.

Although it sounds like a no-brainer, it’s worth mentioning that you should put things away immediately. This applies to your shoes and coats, backpacks and binders, and groceries. If you have small children, you might consider labeling each room and where things go. The This Reading Mama blog notes that labeling is also a great way to promote literacy.

Make the bed each morning.

Although we tend to use our beds only at night, they are an important part of our mood during the day. Make your bed each morning, which can help relieve stress and convince you to be more productive than you might be. You never know when simply flipping the sheets into place might inspire you to organize the closets.

Keeping a clean home doesn’t have to mean bringing in a housekeeper every day. You can take small steps, like putting your shoes away or reducing clutter from the beginning, that will ensure that your space is neat and tidy all the time. These actions will make it that much easier on everyone when it’s time for your spring or fall deep cleaning.

Seatown Cleaners can help you deep clean your home once or can provide ongoing services when you need them. Call today at (206) 880-3732 or book online.