5 Cleaning Mistakes You Might Be Making

5 Cleaning Mistakes You Might Be Making (and How To Avoid Them)

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Maintaining a clean and tidy home can seem like a never-ending task. House cleaning is vital to ensure a healthy and comfortable living environment. But, it’s important to clean correctly and efficiently. We’ll explore five common cleaning mistakes people make while cleaning their home and how to correct them.

Not cleaning regularly enough

Waiting too long between cleanings makes it harder to fully clean surfaces. Dirt and grime builds up over time, making cleaning an even more demanding job.

Establish a regular cleaning schedule and stick to it. Depending on your lifestyle, you may need to clean certain areas more frequently than others. List a few high traffic areas in your home, and set a schedule to clean those areas every few days. The lower traffic areas in your home like your laundry room, closets, storage rooms can be cleaned every 1-2 weeks. 

Consider using a professional cleaning service to help you stay on top of regular cleaning tasks. A deep cleaning with a professional cleaner every few months can help you save a lot of time and energy. 

If your home has poor airflow, or if it feels stuffy, place a few houseplants around and let them work their magic. Open up your windows during the warmer months so stagnant air moves from inside the house and improves the air quality dramatically. 

Using too much cleaning product

More is not always better when it comes to cleaning products. Using too much product on a surface can leave excess residue that attracts more dust and can damage surfaces.

Always read the instructions on the cleaning product and use the recommended amount. Remember that using the right amount may be less than you expect. It’s important to remember that some cleaning products can affect your health negatively if you use too much or you don’t ventilate your home properly. 

To avoid potential health risks from cleaning products, monitor the active ingredients on the back of the product before using them. You may want to consider using natural cleaning products. Vinegar, dish soap, and baking soda are safe and effective for many cleaning tasks.

Not letting cleaning products sit long enough

Work smarter, not harder. It’s easy to spray your all-purpose cleaner on a spot and immediately begin wiping away. However, cleaning products need time to settle on the surface. By not giving them enough time to settle, you’ll have to apply multiple applications spend more time cleaning. 

A helpful tip is to spray down several surface areas in a row. Then, grab a microfiber cloth and wipe down the first surface you sprayed. By spraying several different surfaces down at a time, you’ll allow the product to sit for 30-60 seconds before circling back around to the first spot. 

Not cleaning in the right order

Cleaning in the wrong order can actually spread dirt and debris around rather than removing it.

How to prevent it: 

Start at the top of the room and work your way down. Any dust or debris that falls to the lower surfaces will be cleaned last. If you clean lower surfaces first, dirt will fall to them when you start cleaning higher surfaces. 

Cleaning order: 

First, tidy and organize your clutter. Throw away trash. Then, start dusting all surfaces before using sprays and wet wiping. Then, after wiping down all surfaces, vacuum and mop the floors.

Room order:

It matters which room you choose to clean first. It’s best to start in the living room, hallways, and bedrooms before moving on to the kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen and bathroom usually have the most germs and bacteria so doing this will reduce the chances of spreading it to the rest of your house.

Not using the right equipment

A professional cleaner is only as good as the quality of their tools. Professional cleaners must be able to clean every home they step into. Some of the best cleaning products come from brand names like Mrs. Meyers, Method, and Seventh Generation and many of them are cost effective. It’s also a good idea to invest in a high quality vacuum from brands like Miele or Shark. Even though they are more expensive than generic brands found online or box stores, they will keep chugging along after years of use. 

Using the wrong cleaning products can make your cleaning process harder and less effective. For example, using a dirty sponge to clean surfaces can spread bacteria around. Using worn rags instead of newer microfiber cloths can make dusting and wiping surfaces more tedious and time consuming. Be sure to wash rags regularly and replace sponges weekly. Check your vacuum and empty the canister when it’s full. Replace your mops when they are getting frayed or heavily worn.

By following a few of these best practices for cleaning your home, you’ll keep your home cleaner and healthier. We hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any questions about how to clean your home more efficiently, give us a call at (206) 880-3732. Seatown Cleaners has been providing professional cleanings in Seattle since 2019, and we’re here to help you with all of your home’s needs.